It’s such a beautiful and fun time of the year with the crisp, cool weather, fall gatherings, football and good food!
It’s also a great time to get our homes organized and holiday ready! Before you know it, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be upon us. And I find it’s much easier to plan now, long before the holiday rush sets in.
Here are 5 tips to jump-start your fall organizing!
1. Get a game plan together
Take a moment and jot down the areas you want to focus on for the next month and a half. Take a good look at these areas and write down what needs to be done and what supplies may be needed. Also, if repairs need to be done and outsourced, it may be a good idea to get it scheduled!
2. Look at your calendar
Know what’s happening during the next few months. Do you have any upcoming events & activities, travel plans, gatherings and guests visiting? When are the kids home from school for breaks and holidays? Don’t forget early dismissals too! Are the kids activities and schedules on the calendar?
The more you can plan for in advance, the less stressful it will be!
3. Have a goal and a vision
We all want a stress-free holiday season, right? But there is more. Take a few minutes and think through what is most important.
This is the first year that two of our sons are away at college. They’ll be home on November 22nd, and I want to be thoroughly present for them while they’re here! We also like to entertain, cook and prepare beautifully packaged gifts – all without the crazy, overwhelming stress that can easily happen during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So, with that in mind, the last thing I want to be doing is rushing around the house, trying to prepare things that I can easily do now. And, knowing what is most important to us, we can certainly get a plan together and really enjoy the holiday season!
4. Execute the plan
Block off time on the calendar to work on the areas of focus and to schedule other tasks that will help keep things running smoothly. Set deadlines too! Set a start date and a finish date. This helps so much to stay focused, on track and completing tasks!
5. Know in advance where to Donate
There are so many organizations that appreciate and need donations. It’s wonderful to be able to give to these organization items that are gently used and still useful. Check for organizations in your local community and reach out to them to find out their guidelines of acceptable donations.
Recycling and properly disposing of items is very important too. Check your city, township or county website to see if they have any upcoming recycling or waste collection events.
Remember, the more you can do ahead of time the happier you will be! It’s worth it!