Are your printed photos driving you crazy and scattered throughout the house? Ready to get them organized? Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Choose an area that would be best to work in that won’t get in the way of normal daily activities.
- Gather all your photos together. Yes, Every Photo!
- Helpful supplies to have on hand:
- Bankers boxes
- Rubber cement eraser and Un-Du, both are very helpful to remove adhesive and sticky stuff!
- Photo safe pen
- A shredder: I recommend shredding any discarded photos that have identifiable people or residences.
- Trash bags
- Gallon size baggies and index cards to help categorize
- Photo safe cleaning cloth
- Determine how you will want your photos organized, chronological, category, theme. Maybe even a mix!
- A few suggestions on how to dispose of unwanted photos:
- Shred photos containing identifiable people and where you live then place in regular trash.
- Trash any photos that DO NOT contain personal identifiable information.
- Give to others
- Reuse for craft projects
Now that you have a game plan, block off an hour or so on your calendar to start working and get sorting!
Have fun and embrace the memories!!